Prevention of cattle farms due to Bovine respiratory disease complex caused by profit decline bankruptcy
投稿时间:2022-12-05  修订日期:2022-12-15
中文关键词: 慎防  牛呼吸系统疾病综合征  吞利  毁场
英文关键词: Prevention  Bovine respiratory disease complex(BRDC)  Profit decline  Bankruptcy
罗鹏 耒阳市畜牧水产事务中心 湖南衡阳 5062363@qq.com 
贺小俊 耒阳市畜牧水产事务中心 湖南衡阳  
文利荣 耒阳市蔡子池街道农技事务中心 湖南衡阳  
阳德情 耒阳市黄市镇农技事务中心 湖南衡阳  
倪婷 耒阳市畜牧水产事务中心 湖南衡阳  
郑四清* 耒阳市畜牧水产事务中心 湖南衡阳 zhsq1965@126.com 
摘要点击次数: 166
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      牛呼吸系统疾病综合征(Bovine respiratory disease complex,BRDC)是由病原体感染、应激刺激和机体抵抗力下降等多种病因共同作用引起牛的一种以发热、神差纳少和鼻炎、气管炎、支气管炎、肺炎为主要临床表现的一类传染性疾病的总称,又因为运输应激综合征是BRDC最常见的、最严重的表现形式而被称为“运输热[1](Shipping fever,SF)”。不同年龄/体重、性别和品种牛的BRDC,常常在秋冬季或春夏之交呈地方性或散发性流行,多以多种病原体相互协同作用的感染、复杂的病情导致犊牛(特别是45日龄内的犊牛)和新引进牛相当高的发病率和大批量的死亡而侵吞养牛的利润甚至推毁养牛场,严重危害国际国内牛体健康和牛业安全,是一个严重困扰养牛业的世界性问题。作者综述了BRDC的危害、病因、快速诊断,并从养牛生产实际出发较为详细地阐述了BRDC的预防与治疗技术措施,对防控BRDC有一定的实际指导意义。
      Bovine respiratory disease complex(BRDC) is a kind of infectious disease caused by a variety of causes such as pathogen infection, stress stimulation and decreased body resistance. It is a general term for a class of infectious diseases with fever, droopy appearance, anorexia and rhinitis, trachitis, bronchitis, pneumonia as the main clinical manifestations. Because transport stress syndrome is the most common and serious manifestation of BRDC, it is called Shipping fever(SF).BRDC in cattle of different ages, weights, genders and breeds is often endemic or sporadic in autumn and winter or at the turn of spring and summer. The disease caused by a variety of pathogens co-infection, the disease is complex, calves (especially within 45 days of age calves) and the new introduction of high incidence of cattle, mass death and injury, cattle profits and even destruction of cattle farms, which seriously affect the cattle industry worldwide problem, serious harm to the health and safety of domestic and foreign cattle. The author reviewed the harm, etiology and rapid diagnosis of BRDC, and elaborated the prevention and treatment measures of BRDC from the actual production of cattle, which had certain practical guiding significance for the prevention and control of BRDC.
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