Preliminary Study on Weaning Weight of Different Crossbreeding Combinations in Yangrui Cattle
投稿时间:2024-10-14  修订日期:2024-10-14
中文关键词: 养瑞牛  杂交组合  断奶重  生长速度
英文关键词: Yangrui cattle  crossbreeding combination  weaning weight  growth rate
杨国荣 德宏州尚善品味农业有限公司 679200
邓成松 德宏州尚善品味农业有限公司 
鲁金强 德宏州尚善品味农业有限公司 
余世祥 德宏州尚善品味农业有限公司 
吴绍伟 德宏州尚善品味农业有限公司 
杨世鹏 德宏州尚善品味农业有限公司 
姜山 德宏州尚善品味农业有限公司 
李文贵 云南农业大学 
张松梅* 德宏州尚善品味农业有限公司 679200
摘要点击次数: 21
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      摘要:为探究德宏州热区不同肉牛品种杂交组合哺乳期的生长速度,2021年起开始以从澳大利亚引进的黑安格斯为基础母牛,用公牛独龙牛、文山高峰牛、短角牛、云岭牛、日本和牛、安格斯牛进行杂交繁育,共产出6个杂交组合F1犊牛314头,精心饲养于6月龄进行断奶称重。结果表明,6个杂交组合犊牛断奶体重及生长速度各不相同,其中独安杂断奶体重和平均日增重(ADG)分别为127.27±18.83 kg和0.69±0.10 kg,文安杂为146.69±25.40 kg和0.79±0.14kg、短安杂为171.98±22.34 kg和0.93±0.12 kg、云安杂为160.54±26.62 kg和0.87±0.12kg、和安杂为158.44±26.62 kg和0.86±0.14 kg、安格斯为162.91±25.10 kg和0.88±0.14 kg。本研究对德宏地区引进不同杂交组合F1犊牛断奶体重进行初步研究,分析了不同杂交组合牛的生长速度,为养瑞牛育种工作提供了重要科学依据。
      Abstract: In order to investigate the growth rate of different crossbreeding combinations of beef cattle in Dehong hot zone during lactation period, we introduced Black Angus cows as the maternal basis in 2021 from Australia, crossbreeding Dulong cattle, Wenshan cattle, Short-horn, Yunling cattle, Wagyu cattle and Angus. Then, F1 offsprings of 314 calves from six crossbreeding combinations were arranged and carefully fed at 6 months of age for weaning and weighing. The results showed that the average weaning weight and growth rate of the six crossbreeding combinations were different. Among them, the weaning weight of Dulong cross Angus F1 was 127.27±18.83 kg, and the average daily gain (ADG) was 0.69±0.10 kg, while the counterparts of Wenshan cattle cross Angus F1 were 146.69±25.40 kg and 0.79±0.14 kg, Short-horn cross Angus F1 were 171.98±22.34 kg and 0.93±0.12 kg, Yunling cattle cross Angus F1 were 160.54±26.62 kg and 0.87±0.12 kg, Wagyu cross Angus F1 were 158.44±26.62kg and 0.86±0.14 kg, lastly Angus were 162.91±25.10 kg and 0.88±0.14 kg, respectively. The weaning weight of F1 calves introduced by the different crossbreeding combinations in Dehong hot district was studied and compared, and the growth rate of F1 calves was analyzed, providing an important scientific basis for crossbreeding Yangrui cattle.
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