Population genetic structure analysis of Limousin cattle in Pengyang county, Ningxia through Whole Genome Sequencing
投稿时间:2024-07-09  修订日期:2024-07-09
中文关键词: 利木赞牛  全基因组测序  群体遗传结构
英文关键词: Limousin cattle  whole genome measurement  population genetic structure
何亮宏 彭阳县畜牧技术推广服务中心 1357642670@qq.com 
李昱姗 西北农林科技大学  
邓占钊 彭阳县畜牧技术推广服务中心  
王楠 西北农林科技大学  
梁小军 宁夏农林科学院动物科学研究所  
雷初朝* 西北农林科技大学 leichuzhao1118@126.com 
摘要点击次数: 209
全文下载次数: 94
      [Objective] This study aimed to elucidate the genetic background and lineage purity of 11 Limousin cattle from Pengyang County, Ningxia, by investigating their population genetic structure.[Methods] Whole genome resequencing was performed on 11 Limousin cattle from Pengyang County. Additionally, comparative analysis was conducted using 50 cattle samples from published genomic repositories. Bioinformatics techniques, including principal component analysis, phylogenetic tree construction, and ancestral component analysis, were utilized to interpret the data. [Results] Among the 11 Limousin cattle analyzed, 10 exhibited mixed ancestry, incorporating genetic components from East Asian indicine, European taurine, and Chinese zebu cattle. European taurine ancestry was predominant, averaging approximately 60%, followed by East Asian indicine at 28% and Chinese zebu at 12%. This indicates varying degrees of hybridization with local Ningxia breeds, specifically Qinchuan and Guyuan cattle. One Limousin cattle was identified as purebred. [Conclusion] To sum up, employing whole genome sequencing and advanced bioinformatics analysis, the genetic composition of Limousin cattle from Pengyang County, Ningxia was characterized. The study identified one purebred Limousin and 10 hybrid cattle, reflecting significant admixture with regional cattle breeds.
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