Comparison of Reproductive Effect between Synchronous Estrus and Natural Estrus in Calf Yak
投稿时间:2022-10-21  修订日期:2022-11-13
中文关键词: 带犊牦牛,同期发情,自然发情,繁殖效果
英文关键词: Calf yak  estrus synchronization  natural mating  reproductive effect
牛小莹 甘南藏族自治州畜牧工作站 410887957@qq.com 
张海滨* 甘南藏族自治州畜牧工作站 410887957@qq.com 
杨润喜 甘南藏族自治州畜牧工作站  
才让闹日 甘南藏族自治州畜牧工作站  
包永清 甘南藏族自治州畜牧工作站  
郭淑珍 甘南藏族自治州畜牧工作站  
马忠涛 甘南藏族自治州畜牧工作站  
李红梅 甘南藏族自治州畜牧工作站  
张谭瑛 甘南藏族自治州畜牧工作站  
赵君 甘南藏族自治州畜牧工作站  
牛晓丽 甘南藏族自治州畜牧工作站  
李岩 甘南藏族自治州畜牧工作站  
李平 甘南藏族自治州畜牧工作站  
才增拉毛 甘南藏族自治州畜牧工作站  
赵文俊 甘南藏族自治州畜牧工作站  
徐瑾 甘南藏族自治州畜牧工作站  
杜兰霞 甘南藏族自治州畜牧工作站  
朱旭鑫 甘南藏族自治州畜牧工作站  
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      作者根据实施的科研项目进行了两组试验,目的是为了对比带犊牦牛同期发情与自然发情繁殖效果的差异,以便为甘南牦牛产业高质量发展提供参考资料。方法是于繁殖季节在试验组母牦牛阴道内放置 “孕激素阴道栓”并肌肉注射“氯前列稀醇”(CIDR+PG)诱发牦牛集中发情。结果表明:甘南牦牛在当年生产后,通过犊牛统一断奶,改变营养供给,产后3个月试验组和对照组母牦牛自然发情率分别为8%和19.2%。试验组母牦牛应用“放置孕激素阴道栓+肌肉注射氯前列稀醇”方法诱导发情后,总发情率达89.1%。试验组带犊母牦牛激素处理后受胎率为89.1%,对照组母牦牛自然发情率较低,自然交配后受胎率为100%。试验组和对照组母牦牛繁殖率、犊牛成活率分别为86.9%和19.2%、97.6%和 100%,试验组犊牛的平均初生重、断奶重、6月龄重分别比对照组高1.51 kg、2.37 kg、3.28 kg,经差异显著性检验,试验组犊牛相关年龄段体重与对照组犊牛对应指标相比,初生体重差异显著(p<0.05),断奶重和6月龄体重差异极显著(P<0.01)。通过试验结果分析,得出如下结论:使用外源性激素诱发带犊母牦牛当年集中发情,母牦牛当年产犊率可以提高67.2%;同时开展同期发情和人工授精仍然是提高牦牛受配率、受胎率、繁殖率,缩短配种间隔,降低乏情率和养殖成本,推动牦牛产业高质量发展的有效技术手段。
      The author conducted two groups of experiments according to the scientific research projects implemented, The purpose is to compare the reproductive effects of synchronization and natural estrus of calved yaks, so as to provide reference for the high-quality development of Gannan yak industry. The method was to place "progesterone vaginal suppository" in the vagina of female yaks in the test group and inject "chloroprostanol" (CIDR+PG) intramuscularly to induce concentrated estrus in yaks during the breeding season. The results showed that after the production of Gannan yaks in the same year, the nutrition supply was changed through unified weaning of calves. The natural estrus rates of female yaks in the test group and the control group were 8% and 19.2% respectively after 3 months of postpartum. The total estrus rate of female yaks in the test group was 89.1% after the method of "placing progesterone vaginal suppository+intramuscular injection of chloroprostanol" was used to induce estrus. The pregnancy rate of female yaks with calves in the test group was 89.1% after hormone treatment, while the natural estrus rate of female yaks in the control group was low, and the pregnancy rate after natural mating was 100%. The reproductive rate of female yaks and the survival rate of calves in the test group and the control group were 86.9% and 19.2%, 97.6% and 100%, respectively. The average birth weight, weaning weight and 6-month old weight of calves in the test group were 1.51 kg, 2.37 kg and 3.28 kg higher than those in the control group, respectively. Through the difference significance test, the birth weight of calves in the test group was significantly different from that of calves in the control group at the relevant age (p<0.05), There was significant difference between weaning weight and 6-month old weight (P<0.01). Through the analysis of the test results, the following conclusions were drawn: using exogenous hormones to induce concentrated estrus in female yaks with calves in that year, the calving rate of female yaks in that year could be increased by 67.2%; At the same time, carrying out estrus synchronization and artificial insemination is still an effective technical means to improve the mating rate, conception rate and reproduction rate of yaks, shorten the breeding interval, reduce the rate of anoestrus and breeding costs, and promote the high-quality development of yak industry.
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