The Correlation analysis between Body weight and body size of Wenshan cattle
投稿时间:2022-08-28  修订日期:2022-09-26
中文关键词: 文山高峰牛  体重  体尺性状  相关性分析  逐步回归分析
英文关键词: Wenshan cattle  Body weight  Body size  Correlation analysis  Stepwise linear regression analysis
赵东祥* Faculty of Animal Science and Technology, Yunnan Agricultural University 2455028732@qq.com 
摘要点击次数: 580
全文下载次数: 162
      [purpose] In order to explore the correlation between body weight and body-sized traits of Wenshan cattle, construct the optimal regression equation of body weight and body-sized traits in Wenshan cattle. It provides a reference for the selection of genetic parameters of Wenshan cattle and provides a theoretical basis for the selection and breeding of cattle breeds. [method] 20 Wenshan cattle aged 30 months were selected to measure their body weight(Y) and body height(X1 ), cross height (X2), body oblique length (X3), chest circumference (X4), abdominal circumference (X5), canal circumference (X6) to calculate coefficient, and do the correlation analysis, path analysis and stepwise linear regression analysis, to construct the optimal regression equation of body weight and body-sized traits in Wenshan cattle. [results] The coefficient of variation for body weight is the largest (9.42%). There was a very significant positive correlation between body weight and body size of Wenshan cattle (P < 0.01). The largest correlation coefficient between body size and body weight of Wenshan cattle was abdominal circumference (0.924). The results of the path analysis show that: the abdominal circumference had a greater direct effect on body weight, the cross height, body oblique length and chest circumference had a greater indirect effect on body weight. [conclusion] abdominal circumference, cross height and body oblique length are the most important traits that affect body weight; the optimal regression equation between the weight and body size of Wenshan cattle constructed by stepwise regression analysis is Y=-648.762+0.639X5+0.27X1+0.203X3 (R2=0.952).
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