元江本地黄牛在不同饲养方式下生长曲线拟合及体重与体尺指标 线性回归分析研究
Growth Curve fitting and body weight and body size indices of Yuanjiang local cattle under different feeding methodsLinear regression analysis
投稿时间:2022-07-18  修订日期:2022-10-31
中文关键词: 元江本地黄牛  饲养方式  生长曲线  线性回归
英文关键词: Local scalpers in Yuanjiang  Feeding method  Growth curve  Linear regression
孙峰 元江县畜牧与饲草饲料站 149904893@qq.com 
龚国安* 元江县畜牧与饲草饲料站 623131937@qq.com 
摘要点击次数: 141
全文下载次数: 149
      (目的)本文旨在对元江本地黄牛在不同饲养方式下的体重和体尺等性状进行分析,研究其生长发育规律并构建通过体尺预测体重的回归方程。(方法)本研究随机选取规模牛场舍饲饲养的本地黄牛以及牛场周边农户放牧饲养的本地黄牛各20头、公母各10头,从初生到12月龄逐月测定体重体尺,并拟合适宜的生长发育模型、体重与体尺指标及月龄的回归模型,(结果)研究结果显示: (1)Gompertz、Logistic、Von Bertalanffy、Brody4种模型拟合肉牛体重的拟合度R2均较高,其中以Logistic模型最优。本地放牧黄牛和舍饲黄牛公牛增长拐点月龄分别为4.75、5.23,拐点体重分别为70.23、101.28;(2)元江本地放牧及舍饲黄牛公母牛体重、体尺与月龄之间均呈极显著相关(P<0.01)。(3)元江本地黄牛放牧及舍饲公母两组牛体重、体尺与月龄之间均呈极显著相关(P<0.01),多元线性回归方程中,月龄的回归系数都大于其余性状的回归系数。(结论)元江本地黄牛体重生长曲线的拟合以Logistic模型最优;两组牛体重、体尺与月龄之间均呈极显著相关,五元线性回归方程中月龄的回归系数都大于体尺性状的回归系数,其次体尺性状中管围也有很高的回归系数。
      Abstract: (objective) the purpose of this paper is to analyze the body weight and body size of local yellow cattle in Yuanjiang under different feeding methods, study their growth and development laws, and build a regression equation for predicting body weight by body size. (Methods) in this study, 20 local yellow cattle raised in the large-scale cattle farm and 10 male and 10 female cattle raised by farmers around the cattle farm were randomly selected. The body weight and body size were measured from birth to 12 months old, and the appropriate growth and development model, body weight and body size index and regression model of months old were fitted, (results) the results show that: (1) the fitting degree R2 of Gompertz, logistic, von Bertalanffy and Brody models to beef cattle body weight is high, and the logistic model is the best. The growth turning point months of local grazing cattle and house fed cattle were 4.75 and 5.23 respectively, and the turning point weights were 70.23 and 101.28 respectively; (2) There was a significant correlation between the body weight, body size and the age of the cattle (P < 0.01). (3) There was a significant correlation between the body weight, body size and the month age of the two groups of Yuanjiang local yellow cattle grazing and house feeding (P < 0.01). In the multiple linear regression equation, the regression coefficient of the month age was greater than that of the other traits. (conclusion) the logistic model is the best for fitting the body weight growth curve of Yuanjiang local yellow cattle; There was a significant correlation between body weight, body size and month age in the two groups. The regression coefficient of month age in the five linear regression equation was greater than that of body size, and the regression coefficient of tube circumference in body size was also very high.
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