Genetic Effect Analysis of RPL23A and ACACB Genes for Milk Production in Chinese Holstein Cattle
投稿时间:2022-05-24  修订日期:2022-06-07
中文关键词: 产奶性状  RPL23A基因  ACACB基因  SNP  遗传效应  中国荷斯坦牛
英文关键词: Milk production traits  RPL23A gene  ACACB gene  SNP  Genetic effect  Chinese Holstein cattle
基金项目:北京市农业科技项目(20200105);山东省自然科学基金(ZR2020MC165);科技兴蒙项目(2020-Ke Ji Xing Meng-National Innovation Center-12);教育部创新团队发展计划(IRT_15R62)。
杨宇泽 北京市畜牧总站 yyz84929056@126.com 
黄金峰 中国农业大学动物科学技术学院  
唐韶青 北京市畜牧总站  
赵春颖 北京市畜牧总站  
刘林 北京奶牛中心  
刘亚楠 中国农业大学动物科学技术学院  
彭朋 中国农业大学动物科学技术学院  
吕小青 北京奶牛中心  
韩博 中国农业大学动物科学技术学院  
孙东晓* 中国农业大学动物科学技术学院 sundx@cau.edu.cn 
摘要点击次数: 906
全文下载次数: 216
      Previously, author"s team found that RPL23A and ACACB genes were closely related to milk production traits of Chinese Holstein cattle by transcription of cow mammary epithelial tissue and genome re-sequencing. In order to study the effect of these 2 genes on milk yield, milk fat content, milk protein content, milk protein content and milk protein content of Holstein cows, molecular markers related to milk production traits were found. DNA was extracted from 1059 Chinese Holstein cows from 7 cattle farmsSin Beijing and detection of SNP genotypes by MALDI-TOF. MIXED process in SAS9.4 software was used to correlate SNP loci with 5 milk-producing traits. Correlation analysis showed that SNP locus g.20146771C>T of RPL23A gene was significant or extremely significant in 5 milk production traits (P=0.0001~0.0416) during lactation stage 1, and its dominant allele T. In the first lactation stage, ACACB gene locus g.63878254T>C was extremely significantly correlated with milk yield, fat yield and protein yield (P<0.01), and its dominant allele C; and g.63962768G>A was significantly or extremely significantly correlated with milk yield, fat yield, fat percentage and protein yield (P=0.0001~0.0391), and its dominant allele A. In conclusion, the RPL23A gene mainly affects milk yield and milk protein in Chinese Holstein cattle, ACACB gene has a significant effect on milk yield and milk fat inheritance, and 3 SNP loci may be considered as genetic markers for marker assisted selection for breeding new lines of high milk protein and high milk fat, and improve the breeding.
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